Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Brad Pitt Watch Fury megavideo 2014

Watch Fury megavideo 2014, The big innovations in "Fury" are its scenes of tank combat, and its exploration of the moral and spiritual damage to the veteran tank crew, who have been through just about every armored engagement in the war, mutating into something that would probably have a great deal of difficulty working back into civilian society.
One gets the distinct impression most of them don't really expect to go home, so they don't worry about it, or even talk about it all that much.  As the title cards helpfully remind us, and the movie's most intense set-piece makes clear, Allied armor was no match for top-of-the-line German tanks.  The mortality rate was horrifying.  "Fury" makes a point of using state-of-the-art CGI special effects to show the audience just about every hideous way a tanker could die.  The toll this has taken on the veteran crewmembers is obvious.  They set about bringing New Guy up to speed with brutal efficiency.

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Not much energy is invested in exploring larger themes or saying something big about the war; this is a very straightforward plot-driven adventure, not "Saving Private Ryan."  Hollywood seems to have developed a fixation on the latter days of World War II, setting quite a few films beyond, and outside, the epic battles (hopefully) known to schoolchildren.  There is a fascination with how Allied and Axis forces did business after everyone pretty much knew the tide had turned; as Brad Pitt explains to one of the very few German characters with a speaking role in the film, at the end of a sequence that drags on much longer than it should have, his job is to work his way from one town to the next, until the Germans finally throw in the towel.  He knows a whole lot more people are going to die before that happens.  Modern filmmakers are trying to come to terms with the character and fighting spirit of people who can keep doing their jobs under such dreary conditions.

Aside from that very protracted, somewhat head-scratching mid-movie stall in a German village, "Fury" is focused on action and suspense, which it does very well, capturing the sudden-death feel of period armored combat and the special brotherhood of a tank crew.  It's a cliche to say the tank itself is a character, but happily that sense is conveyed without being heavy-handed about it, or having the crew talk to it as though it were a person.  "It's my home," is the closest Pitt gets to waxing sentimental about his fighting machine.  As the Germans learn to their cost, the crew of the Fury doesn't take kindly to trespassers.

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